Class ChromePdfRenderOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ChromePdfRenderOptions
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    Html To PDF output options for Render_Api. Specify options such as Paper-Size, DPI, and other Chromium specific browser setup options.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChromePdfRenderOptions

        public ChromePdfRenderOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • isCreatePdfFormsFromHtml

        public boolean isCreatePdfFormsFromHtml()
        Is create pdf forms from html. Turns all Html forms elements into editable PDF forms.
        the boolean
      • setCreatePdfFormsFromHtml

        public void setCreatePdfFormsFromHtml​(boolean value)
        Sets create pdf forms from html. Turns all Html forms elements into editable PDF forms.
        value - the value
      • getCssMediaType

        public CssMediaType getCssMediaType()
        Gets css media type. Enables Media="screen" CSS Styles and StyleSheets

        Note: By setting AllowScreenCss=false, IronPdf renders PDFs from HTML using CSS for media="print" as if printing a web page in a browser print dialog.

        the css media type
      • setCssMediaType

        public void setCssMediaType​(CssMediaType value)
        Sets css media type. Enables Media="screen" CSS Styles and StyleSheets

        Note: By setting AllowScreenCss=false, IronPdf renders PDFs from HTML using CSS for media="print" as if printing a web page in a browser print dialog.

        value - the value
      • getCustomCssUrl

        public String getCustomCssUrl()
        Gets custom css url. Allows a custom CSS style-sheet to be applied to Html before rendering. Maybe a local file path, or remote url.
        the custom css url
      • setCustomCssUrl

        public void setCustomCssUrl​(String value)
        Sets custom css url. Allows a custom CSS style-sheet to be applied to Html before rendering. Maybe a local file path, or remote url.
        value - the value
      • getCustomPaperHeight

        public double getCustomPaperHeight()
        Gets custom paper height.
        the custom paper height
      • setCustomPaperHeight

        public void setCustomPaperHeight​(double value)
        Sets custom paper height (mm).
        value - the value
      • getCustomPaperWidth

        public double getCustomPaperWidth()
        Gets custom paper width (mm).
        the custom paper width
      • setCustomPaperWidth

        public void setCustomPaperWidth​(double value)
        Sets custom paper width (mm).
        value - the value
      • isEnableJavaScript

        public boolean isEnableJavaScript()
        Is enable JavaScript. Enables JavaScript and Json to be executed before the page is rendered. Ideal for printing from Ajax / Angular Applications.

        Also see waitFor

        the boolean
      • setEnableJavaScript

        public void setEnableJavaScript​(boolean value)
        Sets enable JavaScript. Enables JavaScript and Json to be executed before the page is rendered. Ideal for printing from Ajax / Angular Applications.

        Also see waitFor

        value - the value
      • isGrayScale

        public boolean isGrayScale()
        Is gray scale boolean. Outputs a black-and-white PDF.
        the boolean
      • setGrayScale

        public void setGrayScale​(boolean value)
        Sets gray scale. Outputs a black-and-white PDF.
        value - the value
      • getInputEncoding

        public String getInputEncoding()
        Gets input character encoding as a string;
        the input encoding
      • getMarginBottom

        public double getMarginBottom()
        Gets margin bottom. Bottom Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        the margin bottom
      • setMarginBottom

        public void setMarginBottom​(double value)
        Sets margin bottom. Bottom Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        value - the value
      • getMarginLeft

        public double getMarginLeft()
        Gets margin left. Left Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        the margin left
      • setMarginLeft

        public void setMarginLeft​(double value)
        Sets margin left. Left Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        value - the value
      • getMarginRight

        public double getMarginRight()
        Gets margin right. Right Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        the margin right
      • setMarginRight

        public void setMarginRight​(double value)
        Sets margin right. Right Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        value - the value
      • getMarginTop

        public double getMarginTop()
        Gets margin top. Top Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        the margin top
      • setMarginTop

        public void setMarginTop​(double value)
        Sets margin top. Top Pdf "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications.
        value - the value
      • getPaperOrientation

        public PaperOrientation getPaperOrientation()
        Gets paper orientation. The PDF paper orientation. E.g. Portrait or Landscape.
        the paper orientation
      • setPaperOrientation

        public void setPaperOrientation​(PaperOrientation value)
        Sets paper orientation. The PDF paper orientation. E.g. Portrait or Landscape.
        value - the value
      • isPrintHtmlBackgrounds

        public boolean isPrintHtmlBackgrounds()
        Is print html backgrounds boolean. Prints background-colors and images from Html.
        the boolean
      • setPrintHtmlBackgrounds

        public void setPrintHtmlBackgrounds​(boolean value)
        Sets print html backgrounds. Prints background-colors and images from Html.
        value - the value
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Gets title. PDF Document Name and Title meta-data. Not required. Useful for mail-merge and file naming.
        the title
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String value)
        Sets title. PDF Document Name and Title meta-data. Not required. Useful for mail-merge and file naming.
        value - the value
      • getJavascript

        public String getJavascript()
        Get A custom javascript string to be executed after all HTML has loaded but before PDf rendering.
        the javascript string
      • setCustomPaperSizeInCentimeters

        public void setCustomPaperSizeInCentimeters​(double width,
                                                    double height)
        Set an output paper size for PDF pages. Dimensions are in Centimeters.
        width - Custom paper width in cm.
        height - Custom paper height in cm.
      • setCustomPaperSizeInMillimeters

        public void setCustomPaperSizeInMillimeters​(double width,
                                                    double height)
        Set an output paper size for PDF pages. Dimensions are in millimeters.
        width - Custom paper width in millimeters.
        height - Custom paper height in millimeters.
      • setCustomPaperSizeInPixelsOrPoints

        public void setCustomPaperSizeInPixelsOrPoints​(double width,
                                                       double height)
        Set an output paper size for PDF pages. Dimensions are in screen Pixels or printer Points.
        width - Custom paper width in pixels/points.
        height - Custom paper height in pixels/points..
      • setCustomPaperSizeInPixelsOrPoints

        public void setCustomPaperSizeInPixelsOrPoints​(double width,
                                                       double height,
                                                       int DPI)
        Set an output paper size for PDF pages. Dimensions are in screen Pixels or printer Points.
        width - Custom paper width in pixels/points.
        height - Custom paper height in pixels/points.
        DPI - Intended print resolution of the PDF. To be clear PDFs have no fixed DPI/PPI value for rendering. 72 and 96 are common onscreen values. 300 is a common value used in commercial printing.
      • SetCustomPaperSizeInInches

        public void SetCustomPaperSizeInInches​(double width,
                                               double height)
        Set an output paper size for PDF pages. Dimensions are in Inches.
        width - Custom paper width in Inches.
        height - Custom paper height in Inches.
      • setJavascript

        public void setJavascript​(String javascript)
        Set A custom javascript string to be executed after all HTML has loaded but before PDf rendering.
        javascript - a javascript string.
      • getWaitFor

        public WaitFor getWaitFor()
        Gets a wrapper object that holds configuration for wait-for mechanism for user to wait for certain events before rendering. By default, it will wait for nothing.
      • setWaitFor

        public void setWaitFor​(WaitFor waitFor)
        Sets a wrapper object that holds configuration for wait-for mechanism for user to wait for certain events before rendering. By default, it will wait for nothing.
      • getViewPortWidth

        public int getViewPortWidth()
        internal use
      • getViewPortHeight

        public int getViewPortHeight()
        internal use
      • getZoom

        public int getZoom()
        internal use
      • UseChromeDefaultRendering

        public void UseChromeDefaultRendering()
        Lays out PDF pages in the same way as when viewed from Google Chrome's print preview. Responsive CSS viewport is interpreted based on the width of the Specified Paper Size setPaperSize(PaperSize). To change this responsive behavior use UseResponsiveCssRendering()
      • UseScaledRendering

        public void UseScaledRendering()
        Adopts a layout which behaves in the same way the 'Chrome Print Preview' does for a given paper size, with an additional zoom level applied to allow content to be manually scaled by the developer. Responsive CSS is interpreted based on the width of the setPaperSize(PaperSize) Specified Paper Size
      • UseScaledRendering

        public void UseScaledRendering​(int zoomPercentage)
        Adopts a layout which behaves in the same way the 'Chrome Print Preview' does for a given paper size, with an additional zoom level applied to allow content to be manually scaled by the developer. Responsive CSS is interpreted based on the width of the setPaperSize(PaperSize) Specified Paper Size
        zoomPercentage - A percentage based scale factor on the HTML document.
      • UseResponsiveCssRendering

        public void UseResponsiveCssRendering​(int viewPortWidthValue)
        Uses Responsive CSS to define the rendering of the HTML based on the ViewPortWidth parameter. Content will attempt to scale the rendered content to fill the width of the setPaperSize(PaperSize) Specified Paper Size Set setCssMediaType(com.ironsoftware.ironpdf.render.CssMediaType) to choose between paper and screen CSS interpretations.
        viewPortWidthValue - A pixel based virtual browser viewport for responsive CSS designs.
      • UseFitToPageRendering

        public void UseFitToPageRendering()
        Scales content to fit the specified setPaperSize(PaperSize). This mode measures minimum HTML content width after it is rendered by the browser, and then scales that content to fit to 1 sheet of paper wide where possible. A minimum width can be set to control scaling and also to ensure that responsive CSS rules are correctly applied.
      • UseFitToPageRendering

        public void UseFitToPageRendering​(int minimumPixelWidth)
        Scales content to fit the specified setPaperSize(PaperSize). This mode measures minimum HTML content width after it is rendered by the browser, and then scales that content to fit to 1 sheet of paper wide where possible. A minimum width can be set to control scaling and also to ensure that responsive CSS rules are correctly applied.
        minimumPixelWidth - A pixel based minimum with for the document. Can help HTML elements to display correctly and respond appropriately to CSS3 responsive layout rules.
      • UseContinuousFeedRendering

        public void UseContinuousFeedRendering()
        Creates a single page PDF which will force its entire content's width and height to fit into one page. Can be used for a consumer bill or receipt.
      • UseContinuousFeedRendering

        public void UseContinuousFeedRendering​(int margin)
        Creates a single page PDF which will force its entire content's width and height to fit into one page. Can be used for a consumer bill or receipt.
        margin - The margin in millimeters to apply to the PDF page. Default is 5
      • UseContinuousFeedRendering

        public void UseContinuousFeedRendering​(double width)
        Creates a single page PDF which will force its entire content's width and height to fit into one page. Can be used for a consumer bill or receipt.
        width - The width in millimeters to apply to the PDF page. Default is 80
      • UseContinuousFeedRendering

        public void UseContinuousFeedRendering​(double width,
                                               int margin)
        Creates a single page PDF which will force its entire content's width and height to fit into one page. Can be used for a consumer bill or receipt.
        width - The width in millimeters to apply to the PDF page. Default is 80
        margin - The margin in millimeters to apply to the PDF page. Default is 5