Namespace IronPdf
Provides credentials for IronPdf's embedded Chrome browser to log-in to an intranet, extranet or website, impersonating a user. This allows a unique ability to render web-pages as PDFs even on secure intranets, extranets and websites.
IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderer allows any web page or Html 'snippet' to be turned into a PDF document using an up-to-date embedded Chrome browser.
As of 2021 Iron Software recommend ChromePdfRenderer as our best PDF Renderer and a drop-in replacement for this class.
Html To PDF output options for ChromePdfRenderer. Specifies options such as Paper-Size, DPI, Headers and Footers and other Chromium specific browser setup options.
A Html Header or Footer which will be printed onto every page of the PDF. This can be used to override
When using HtmlHeaderFooter it is important to set HtmlFragment
Merge meta-data into your html using any of these placeholder strings: {page} {total-pages} {url} {date} {time} {html-title} {pdf-title}
The ImageToPdfConveter class can be used to create PDF documents from images. It accepts both image files and System.Drawing.Image objects as input.
The ImageToPdf static methods create simple PDF documents containing each image as one page of the created PDF.
To rasterize PDF documents as images (the reverse operation), see ToBitmap(Int32) and RasterizeToImageFiles(String, ImageType, Int32)
Global installation and setup preferences for all instances of IronPDF
Allows IronPdf license keys to be applied globally across an application.
Pdf document file attachment
Collection of attachments contained within a pdf document
Defines PDF Header and Footer display options.
TextHeaderFooter uses a logial apporach to rendering Headers and Footers for the most common use cases.